Monday, November 1, 2010

Ridding myself

have you ever felt God calling you to something more, calling you to sacrifice, calling you to make more room for him into your life?? lately God has been asking me to give up things and make room for him. I must admit at first I was resistance (it seems I have this problem). I was almost even frustrated with him (justifying my frustration with fact that I am giving up a lot already to move to Haiti - wow that sounds bad just writing it). I hadn't been feeling like those things in my life He was asking me to give up were bad, however, they were taking up room in my heart and in my life. I so desire to be one with God and to obey Him and so I will joyfully rid myself of those things and lay them at his feet.

While doing my bible study this morning (Kelly Minter's- No Other Gods), we learned about Abraham and Isaac. I have read this passage so many times, and never have noticed what was brought to my attention today. Abraham loved Isaac (his promise, covenant) so much that Isaac was becoming a god to Abraham. God called Isaac to lay down Isaac and make room for him once again.

So as I walk through this week, I will again ask God to show my what he is asking me to lay at His feet!! I want to make more room for him.

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