Thursday, December 13, 2012

{25 Days of Christmas} - Day 12 & 13

I love to give gifts. It's fun to watch people receive and enjoy something you have given them. I know during Christmas, we struggle too much with focusing on the gifts and not the real meaning of Christmas. Please don't hear me wrong. It is not bad to give gifts to loved ones during the holidays...we just sometimes lose our focus.  A few weeks back, someone close to me asked how they could help this season. I shared, that it would be great to bless New Horizons (aka Madame Christians) Orphanage with Christmas presents. We received the money and on "Black Friday" went and purchased gifts for the children. They have been sitting in my room for 3 weeks now, but today I got to deliver them.

Thank you Thank you thank you...It is a joy to be part of blessing others! On Dec 24, Chris and Sara will go to the orphanage to help distribute the gifts!

I have grown to love this woman! She is a saint and has a heart of gold. Apparently one of the other days, when I was at the orphanage, I was sharing with her my concern for Manette, one of the neigborhood girls, I was concerned for her malnutrition. It stirred Madame Christian's heart. She came to me today, with a plan to start a nutrition program for the community, for those really in need. Along with it, would be health lessons and spiritual lessons! I listened to her and asked some very American questions. Reach Global doesn't do feeding programs, but I would love to help her design a program, and bring in resources for proper nutrition. We would love to play a small part. After asking many questions and seeing her tears...I left humbled and challenged to have faith like hers. During our conversation she said..."I don't care about my safety, God has called me...if that means I die and am hurt, I die. I need to do what God is asking me." Many times, she answered my questions, "I don't know, but God knows." She has so much faith! A heart of gold! A heart to serve!

She gave me a gift today. She showed me how to love, as Jesus loves!

He is the most beautiful baby!!'s not cold here, but he's prepared for winter!

Sara with Madam Christian

Kelsey with some children at the orphanage. 

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