In Jesus' genealogy is Raahab, a woman of questionable morals who helped the Hebrew spies as they entered the Promised Land. And a generation later, the Moabite Ruth appears. Then, within two generations, an adulterous king with a murderous bent shows up. What are a Canaanite prostitute, a Moabite outsider, and a law-breaking king doing in Jesus' genealogy? Pointing to the hope we have in Christ, that's what.
Think about it: Jesus - the incarnate God, the invisible Creator appearing in flesh - is a descendant of sinners. If Jesus could come from the seed of a prostitute, a foreigner, and an adulterer, He's just the One to represent sinners to God. While sinless Himself, the holy Son of God came in the form of fallen flesh, a descendant of sinful humanity in need of salvation. That kind of God-man could represent us well. In Him we can hope.
We forget, with all of Jesus' holiness and perfection, the fallenness of the world He entered. He didn't take on Garden of Eden flesh; He took on the flesh that was forced out of the Garden to till the stubborn soil. He took on flesh that killed prophets and seduced God's people, the flesh of circumcised rebels, foreigners, and outcasts. He took on the flesh of all of us.
God didn't just become man, He became man in the form of those who had fallen-miserably. Only that kind of Savior can give us hope. His discent to save us is greater than we thought, and our salvation is greater than we imagined.
From the One Year Worship The King Devotional
I am so thankful for the salvation of a sinless man in our fallen world.
May Christ dwell in you,